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If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can still open and view PowerPoint presentations by using PowerPoint for the web or PowerPoint on your mobile device. Manage narration and timings. There are different ways to manage recordings in your presentation: Pause - to pause a recording. Stop - to end a recording. Replay - to replay a recording.



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Here you can browse our PowerPoint backgrounds and PPT designs for presentations and Microsoft Office templates, also compatible as Google Slides themes. 18/04/2012 最终反反复复无法保存. 解决办法:文件-另存为-选择保存路径-更改保存类型(如*.pptx)即可。 看到有人说出现这个问题是由于打开U盘里的文件,进行修改或者编辑内容,然后没有保存就把U盘拔了,(这时文件在电脑上是打开的状态)才导致上述无法保存的情况,即使把U盘重插回去也无法保存。 Convert your PDFs to PowerPoint presentations - free and easy to use. No watermarks just converting PDF to PPT in seconds. OfficePLUS,微软Office官方在线模板网站,为您提供各类精品PPT模板、PPT实用模块、Word求职简历、Excel图表、图片素材等资源,成为您职场和生活的加油站! Colabore gratuitamente em uma versão online do Microsoft PowerPoint. Salve apresentações no OneDrive, compartilhe-as com outras pessoas e trabalhe em conjunto ao mesmo tempo.


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